Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What if The World was Perfect?

If the world was perfect there would be no war, hunger, disease or poverty. It would be sunny most days but snow on Christmas eve and everyone would have access to food, water, shelter and a cell phone and computer.

But what does perfect really mean? I constantly find myself trying to attain what I deem as perfection in my dancing, art and basic life. I know it is unattainable but I desperately want to be as close as possible. To be perfect is to be "entirely without any flaws, defects, or shortcomings." This sounds like a pretty amazing ideal but like communism it doesn't work in the real world. If we were all perfect we would all get along, never disagreeing or starting an argument. Would there be no difference of opinion? If we never got sick would we appreciate our health? or maybe that appreciation would be part of our perfect world.

I could dissect these things for days but as much as I love the idea of perfection I have come to love so many imperfect things in life. I still strive for perfect technique in dance but I have found with my paintings that some of my 'mistakes' turn out to be beautiful works of art. Mistakes lead us to solve problems and force us to think differently about our situations.

Sometimes the real beauty of life lies in our disagreements and struggles. They are what make us unique in all of our imperfection. I still think the world could strive to be a little more perfect but today I am going to enjoy my less than perfect life and hope you do the same.

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